Zakaria Zoya

Senior Manager, Global Regulatory Affairs

Belgian employee Zakaria Zoya

We contribute to the evolution of people's life experience. The vaccines we produce improve quality of life.

Belgian employee Zakaria Zoya


Zakaria's interview

Can you describe your role in a few sentences?

I've been part of the regulatory affairs CMC cross-product team since 2021. Our team of four people handles changes to multiple vaccines after they are registered, and we also evaluate the regulatory impact of these changes and submit them to the proper authorities. My specific tasks include writing dossiers, planning submission strategies, answering questions from authorities, and fulfilling commitments made to them.

What’s your favorite thing about working at GSK?

I feel free to express my personal convictions in my work.

How would you describe your working environment?

I'm grateful to be able to work in such a friendly, multicultural team and an exceptional environment. I love that I work with people based all over the world: this mix of cultures brings a real richness to our exchanges, and I’m often challenged by my colleagues (in a positive way), which allows me to evolve and improve.

How do you think GSK as a company makes a difference?

We contribute to the evolution of people's life experience. The vaccines we produce can have a big impact, improving people's quality of life.